NEC's LTE Solutions

NEC believes that an All-IP cellular network along with cloud computing solution will offer new business opportunities for operators. All-IP radio access and IT solution makes virtualisation of business solutions extremely easy while allowing a rapid growth in business revenue through introduction of new services available to operators. Being both a successful telecom vendor and IT solution provider, NEC is in a unique position to bring together IT and Network, and offer its customers those new business opportunities.

LTE - more than an evolution

LTE - more than an evolution

NEC's Vision

Today, NEC aims to become a leading global company by offering Cloud business solutions through leveraging NEC's core competence in the integration of IT and Network. Leveraging its successes in Japan and its global presence worldwide, NEC intends to quickly provide its customers worldwide with those Cloud business solutions, which are true differentiators.

NEC's Vision

NEC's LTE Overview

In short LTE enables concepts as simple as high bandwidth internet connection to complex applications created by cloud computing, while at the same time reducing cost of ownership for a network. NEC's vision also includes other social infrastructure systems that complements an environmentally friendly end to end solutions with highest degree of optimization in power consumption.

NEC's LTE Overview

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